What CA-34 Voters Should Know about Jimmy Gomez

Updated February 15, 2024


Jimmy Gomez is an educator, union organizer, and an effective and progressive U.S. Representative. Nobody is better prepared to stop the Republicans, and he does not take corporate PAC money. 


Democratic voters, Minor Party Liberal voters, and Independents who don’t live with a Republican need to see in their mailboxes and on digital:

Gomez is endorsed by End Citizens United because he doesn’t take corporate PAC money. (BACK UP)

Gomez actually gets things done to make life more affordable for his constituents, including rent and housing costs, and prescription medicine, especially insulin, and he fights to hold the oil companies accountable when they profit off of gasoline shortages.

Gomez protects his district from MAGA Republicans by:

  • Standing up for renters (BACK UP), and he co-founded the Renter’s Caucus (BACK UP)
  • Standing up strongly for women’s right to choose an abortion
  • Standing up to corporate polluters to protect our air and water – and to fight climate change

Non-Republican Spanish speaking voters need to see in mail, in addition to the messages above:

  • Jimmy Gómez es padre primerizo. Fundó el Caucus de Papás del Congreso para asegurarse de que los papás hagan su parte, tanto en casa como en los pasillos del Congreso. Gómez lidera la lucha por servicios de cuidado infantil asequibles, licencia familiar remunerada y crédito tributario por hijos para apoyar a las familias trabajadoras. (BACK UP)
  • Jimmy Gómez no acepta dinero de los PAC corporativos para su campaña. Está cansado de que los multimillonarios y las corporaciones acumulen riqueza y poder y está luchando contra ellos. Por eso cuenta con el respaldo de Fin Citizens United, el grupo que combate la influencia corporativa.

Additional Resources: 

  • An even handed, measured tone is critical. Let the facts speak for themselves. 
  • Progressive Record Proof Points here
  • Photos here
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