A Fighter for Working Families!

Meet Jimmy

Jimmy Gomez is a dad, educator, renters’ advocate, former union organizer, and your United States Representative. His progressive record speaks for itself—he is a fierce advocate for renters and working families, and he delivers real results for Los Angeles. Join our campaign today!


  • "Jimmy Gomez is a progressive champion for working people. He understands our fights because he’s been there—he’s the son of immigrants, grew up uninsured, worked his way through school, spent years as a union organizer and rejects corporate PAC money. Since day one, Jimmy has been an outspoken leader in the fight for Medicare for All and the Green New Deal, and I’ve stood with Jimmy and other activists as we protested overnight on the Capitol steps to successfully extend the eviction moratorium to protect renters. Now, we’re working on legislation to lower the cost of housing and address our nation’s affordability and rental crises. I wholeheartedly endorse Jimmy Gomez because we need him in the House as a progressive, effective fighter for working people."

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez | Congresswoman, NY-14
  • “Jimmy Gomez stands up for those who do not have a voice. He knows how much immigrants contribute to our nation, and how hard they work to provide for their families. We can trust Jimmy Gomez, he has the honesty and integrity we need in our representatives.”

    Dolores Huerta | Civil Rights Leader
  • “I’m grateful to have had Jimmy as a partner in Congress over the past three-plus years. From our work together on the House Oversight and Reform Committee to advocating for the rights of immigrants, standing up for workers, and fighting for healthcare justice, Jimmy works incredibly hard for the people of the California 34th, and all of our communities.”

    Ayanna Pressley | Congresswoman, MA-7
  • "In Congress, it's important to have dedicated and committed allies who can deliver on our progressive agenda. Congressman Jimmy Gomez and I worked together to secure federal funds to restore the LA River and combat climate change, help Californians stay housed during pandemic, and increase citizenship education to help the next generation of immigrants become U.S. citizens. Jimmy is a proven progressive who delivers for us everyday."

    Alex Padilla | U.S. Senator
  • "Jimmy Gomez is the one I trust to take the fight to Washington and continue moving the ball forward for our communities and the progressive movement. There are few elected officials who are as effective and principled as Jimmy. He’s the one I know will fight for us –and win – in Congress.”

    Sandra Figueroa-Villa | Executive Director of El Centro Del Pueblo
  • “As the first Korean American Democrat to be elected to Congress, I have always deeply respected Jimmy as he holds the unique privilege of representing the congressional district with the largest Korean American community in Congress. From COVID-19 relief to supporting small businesses, and protecting tenants, Jimmy has been delivering results for Korean Americans and the rest of his district for years.”

    Andy Kim | Congressman, NJ-3
  • “My colleague Jimmy Gomez fights for working people and those most in need. We worked side-by-side to pass the Build Back Better Act, which would be the most transformative investment in children and caregiving in generations, and the largest effort to combat climate change – and we won’t give up. And Jimmy Gomez is a co-sponsor of Medicare For All, because it is the most effective way to expand healthcare and reduce costs for everybody. We need Jimmy in Congress.”

    Pramila Jayapal | Congresswoman and Progressive Caucus Chair
  • "Jimmy Gomez is an outstanding representative for the people I previously served in Congress. We have worked closely together since he became our Assemblyman. President Obama cited his Paid Family Leave bill as a national model. He's been at the forefront against climate change and domestic violence, to increase the minimum wage and to make higher education affordable. We need a champion like Jimmy Gomez."

    Xavier Becerra | Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services
  • “I trust Jimmy Gomez to fight to protect Obamacare and preserve vital health care funding for our families.”

    Hilda Solis | LA County Supervisor
Proud of ALL the support we have for this campaign! #vote #CA34
“I wholeheartedly endorse Jimmy Gomez because we need him in the House as a progressive, effective fighter for working people.”

“Jimmy Gomez is a progressive champion for working people. He understands our fights because he’s been there—he’s the son of immigrants, grew up uninsured, worked his way through school, spent years as a union organizer and rejects corporate PAC money. Since day one, Jimmy has been an outspoken leader in the fight for Medicare for All and the Green New Deal, and I’ve stood with Jimmy and other activists as we protested overnight on the Capitol steps to successfully extend the eviction moratorium to protect renters. Now, we’re working on legislation to lower the cost of housing and address our nation’s affordability and rental crises.” – Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
Happy National Son’s Day! #HeyHodge
My work experiences as a union organizer led me to dedicate my career to uplifting working people. That’s why I’m honored to have the endorsement of the LA County Federation of Labor, representing over 300 affiliated labor unions and more than 800,000 hardworking Angelenos. ✊

Together, we’re fighting for workers’ rights, fair wages, and a brighter future for all. Vote on November 5th!
Proud to be the only candidate endorsed by Planned Parenthood (@ppact) in the fight for reproductive freedom and health care equity. 

I stand 100% with Planned Parenthood, and will always fight for bodily autonomy, reproductive freedom, and health care justice.

#wewontgoback #vote #CA34
🗣️ You’re invited!!
💥 Join neighbors, community leaders, and friends on Saturday, September 28 9am-1pm for the #BIGWALK.
🗳️ We’ll be canvassing NELA and talking to voters!

— RSVP link in bio // call or email —

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