Progressive Record

Jimmy Gomez is a fighter for working families. Jimmy has a record of lowering costs, preserving and building more housing that’s affordable, addressing climate change, protecting reproductive rights, and more.  Check out his progressive record: 


Lowered Health Care Costs 

  • Lowered and Capped the cost insulin to $35 per month and out-of-pocket payments at $2,000 per year for Medicare beneficiaries 
  • Authorized Medicare to negotiate the prices of some drugs and pass the savings on to patients, thanks to legislation Jimmy helped pass in Congress
  • Saved $4.7 million for 48,000 Medicare beneficiaries in our district in 2024 from reforms to drug pricing passed in the Inflation Reduction Act.
  • Saved $2,280 on average in health care premiums for 39,000 people in our district enrolled in health insurance coverage through Covered California
  • Secured funding to reimburse community clinics for administering vaccines across California
  • Fought to pass Medicare for All by introducing the Choose Medicare Act and cosponsoring the Medicare for All Act


Fought for Renters in Congress

  • Jimmy founded the first-ever Congressional Renters Caucus, bringing renters’ voices to the forefront of housing discussions in federal policy
  • Introduced the Rent Relief Act –  legislation to put monthly payments directly into the pockets of renters paying more than 30 percent of their income towards housing 
  • Sponsored legislation, along with Rep. Maxwell Frost, to eliminate junk fees that harm renters and making housing more expensive
  • Held renters’ rights workshops to empower his constituents against unlawful evictions
  • Organized support for the first-ever Renters’ Agenda – a comprehensive set of bills to protect and uplift renters by lowering costs, increasing the supply of housing and removing discriminatory rental barriers 
  • Brought back $220 million in rent relief to Los Angeles County and the City of Los Angeles after the COVID-19 pandemic left many unemployed
  • Extended eviction moratorium during the pandemic to protect renters from being removed from their homes


Preserved and Funded the Construction of Housing that’s Affordable

  • Secured a grant for the City of LA to buy an abandoned building and develop a 185 unit housing complex
  • Secured over $4 million dollars for the City of Los Angeles to be able to purchase Caltrans Homes in El Sereno to provide homeownership opportunities for long-time working class residents
  • Provided federal funding to the Little Tokyo Service Center to develop and build 228 units of affordable and permanent supportive housing, including homes for unhoused veterans
  • Acquired a federal grant for the County of Los Angeles to begin development of a parking lot in Chinatown into 100 units of affordable housing for seniors 
  • Obtained a federal grant to convert an office building to 21 studio unit apartments to help transitions individuals out of foster care in Eagle Rock
  • Secured money to help upgrade our public housing in East LA, Boyle Height and Chinatown (Nueva Maravilla Public Housing, Pico Gardens, Rose Hill Courts) with new green spaces and common areas


Expanded Homeless Care Services Providers 

  • Secured a grant to Expand and Renovate the LA Mission in the heart of Skid Row. This will allow them to help more people with wrap around services to get them off the streets permanently
  • Provided a grant for the Downtown Women’s Center – to renovate and expand its campus, increasing both service capacity and the number of units designated for the most vulnerable residents 
  • Funded the Hilda Solis Village – 232 units for formerly unhoused individuals built by the County of Los Angeles with federal money 
  • Led congressional effort to secure $21.8 million in federal funding for the City of Los Angeles to help house and provide support services to newly arrived migrants, including children living on Skid Row


Protected Abortion Access in CA, and Continues the Fight in Congress

  • Jimmy authored and passed legislation that expanded abortion access in rural communities in California by removing discriminatory requirements 
  • Authored and passed legislation to prevent anti-abortion activists from harassing abortion providers by violating the privacy of doctors and patients 
  • Sponsored and actively fights to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act, to codify Roe v. Wade in federal statutes, and ensure a right to an abortion nationwide
  • Received the Champion of Choice Award from Planned Parenthood for his legislative accomplishments on protecting access to abortion and reproductive rights in California


Stood Up Against Corporate Influence and the Ultra-Wealthy

  • Jimmy REJECTS corporate PAC money and puts working families first
  • Authored and helped pass the CA Disclose Act, to fight the dominance of Big Corporate Money in politics 
  • Sponsored legislation to ban members of congress from buying or selling stock
  • Helped pass the most comprehensive anti-corruption bill out of the House since Watergate
  • Authored legislation with Bernie Sanders to ensure billionaires can’t abuse our tax code, and pay their fair share in taxes


Expanded education and workforce training programs 

  • Secured a federal youth workforce development grant for a local non-profit to expand the number of career advisors to provide case management, academic/employment support, leadership development, post-secondary education preparation, mentoring, and additional supportive services to program participants.
  • Secured federal grant for the Homeboy Industries Job Training and Creation Program to train and hire formerly incarcerated individuals 
  • Provided local non-profit with a federal grant to offer one-on-one advising for returning adult learners, community college and transfers students, and adult residents interested in vocational training or certificate programs


Passed the largest-ever investment to combat climate change

  • Passed the Inflation Reduction Act, which dedicates the largest investment in history – $783 billion –  to fight climate change, promote clean energy, expand conservation efforts, while creating millions of new jobs in California and across the country
  • Created and passed a first-ever tax credit up to $4,000 for used electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids, lowering the purchase price of EVs for working families for working families
  • Authored and passed tax credits to improve energy efficiency in both new and existing homes, reducing greenhouse emissions, and lowering utility bills and costs for working people 
  • Cosponsored the Green New Deal to build a clean energy future that not only reduces but reverses the damage caused by climate change


Protecting our environment, cleaning our air and water

  • Secured $2 million to the City of Los Angeles to clean up Taylor Yard on the LA River as part of plans to restore ecosystems and habitats, form walkable trails along 52 miles of the river, and create easy access points for residents to enjoy what the river has to offer
  • Brought $24 million from the Inflation Reduction Act to plant trees in disadvantaged communities across Los Angeles to maximize environmental and health benefits, provide shade, and cool neighborhoods
  • Brought over $77 million from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for LA Metro to buy dozens of battery electric buses and install new chargers to improve air quality and transit service in Los Angeles
  • Brought nearly $20 million from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for the Los Angeles Unified School District to purchase 50 clean school buses.


Put Over $14.6 Million Back Into the Pockets of Angelenos

  • Jimmy and his casework team have helped CA-34 residents get back more than $14.6 million that they were owed from federal agencies, and assisted on issues ranging from Social Security and IRS challenges to passports. Team Gomez has completed more than 6,200 cases in service of Los Angeles constituents.


A Fighter Working People

  • Sponsored the PRO ACT – which restores the right of workers to freely and fairly form a union and bargain for better wages, working conditions and benefits
  • Picketed with UNITE-HERE during their contract campaign to ensure hotel workers were treated fairly and that the companies reached a fair contract
  • Stood up for the rights of workers during the SAG-AFTRA and Writers Guild strikes by walking pickets, calling out the studios and attending rallies
  • Led congressional colleagues in pressuring studios to reach a fair contract that uplifts workers and protects their images and intellectual property  
  • Strengthened the rights of workers to form a union in international trade agreements


Champion for Kids and Parents

  • Jimmy founded the first-ever Congressional Dads Caucus in 2023 on one simple premise: Dads need to step up and do more of their part, both at home and as elected representatives. Since its founding, the caucus has grown to 38 members and is one of the most active congressional groups, uniting parents to fight for national paid leave, affordable and accessible child care, and the expansion of the Child Tax Credit.
  • Authored and passed landmark Paid Family Leave legislation, California Assembly Bill 908, the nation’s most progressive expansion of Paid Family Leave that President Obama hailed as a model for Congress. His legislation increased the amount of money going directly into the pockets of working families who are taking paid family leave to bond with a new child or take care of a sick family member. 
  • Expanded and enhanced the Child Tax Credit in the American Rescue Plan, which cut child poverty in half nationwide and lead to 113,000 children in 71,000 families in his congressional district to receive $168.6 million in advanced Child Tax Credit payments in 2021
  • Introduced legislation – the Child Care Stabilization Act –  to lower the cost and expand child care access nationwide


Expanded access to college, lowered the cost of higher education and helped cancel student loan debt 

  • Passed legislation to expand in-state tuition to Dreamers in California 
  • Helped residents of his district cancel $2 million dollars in student loan debt through the Public Loan Forgiveness Program, allowing residents to save for retirement, start a small business, buy a house and more
  • Passed legislation making federal student loan cancelation tax-free and saving each former student from paying thousands of dollars in federal income-taxes
  • Led colleagues in push to increase funding for School Based Health Centers in K-12, leading to better health outcomes for students and families
  • Held student debt relief workshops to help residents pay their loans through existing programs 


Expanded Opportunities For Immigrants  

  • Held citizenship workshops to help his constituents to begin or complete the process of becoming U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents
  • Secured $20 million in federal funding for the Citizenship and Integration Grant Program  
  • Helped residents with their immigration cases, allowing them to stay with their families, and build a more secure future 


Improving our Infrastructure and Reconnecting Communities 

  • Voted for the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to improve roads and highways, build critical pedestrian and bicycle crossings, make public transportation more efficient, and expand and improve parks, including:
  • Brought back $139 million to reconnect communities across highway and arterial barriers by creating multimodal investments: bus speed and reliability improvements, first/last mile strategies and projects, mobility hubs, and non-capital mobility solutions
  • Brought back Nearly $10 million for a dedicated pedestrian and bicycle overcrossing adjacent to the existing Humphreys Avenue bridge over I-710 in East Los Angeles
  • Brought $800,000 to study creating a freeway cap and green bridge to reconnect and expand Belvedere Park in East Los Angeles.


Defended and Promoted LGBTQIA+ Equality 

  • Modernized birth certificates to accurately reflect same-sex, gender nonconforming and non-binary parents
  • Passed legislation requiring senior assisted living facility directors to train in LGBTQIA+ cultural competency  
  • Defended marriage equality by passing the Respect for Marriage Act to repeal DOMA and require federal and state governments to recognize same sex and interracial marriages.
  • Secured federal funding for local non-profit to provide Transgender and Gender nonconforming and Intersex individuals with workforce training, skills building and job search assistance 


Honored our Veterans through action  

  • Honored our veterans’ service by providing expanded health and disability compensation for veterans with toxic exposure through passing the Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act.
  • Passed legislation to extend VA healthcare to Korean immigrants who fought with the US in Vietnam
  • Named the Boyle Heights Post Office for U.S. Marine Corps Private Jacob Cruz, a World War II hero who made the ultimate sacrifice during the Battle of Tarawa in 1943.
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