Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Endorses Jimmy Gomez

By: Jimmy Gomez

BIG News! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez endorsed Jimmy Gomez for U.S. Representative!

Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez said:

“Jimmy Gomez is a progressive champion for working people. He understands our fights because heā€™s been thereā€”heā€™s the son of immigrants, grew up uninsured, worked his way through school, spent years as a union organizer and rejects corporate PAC money. Since day one, Jimmy has been an outspoken leader in the fight for Medicare for All and the Green New Deal, and Iā€™ve stood with Jimmy and other activists as we protested overnight on the Capitol steps to successfully extend the eviction moratorium to protect renters. Now, weā€™re working on legislation to lower the cost of housing and address our nationā€™s affordability and rental crises. I wholeheartedly endorse Jimmy Gomez because we need him in the House as a progressive, effective fighter for working people.”

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