
California’s 34th (CA-34)

Updated October 14, 2024


Jimmy Gomez’s life experience prepared him to take on the establishment in Congress and fight for real change. Jimmy worked minimum-wage jobs just like his immigrant parents, and he knows how tough it can be to afford the basics, which is why he fights for working class families like his own. No one is more dedicated to lowering inflation and making L.A. more affordable – from lowering the cost of housing to groceries and childcare. He does not take corporate PAC money. Jimmy is a leader in the fight to protect women’s right to choose and has a proven track record fighting Trump and MAGA extremists. 


Democratic women need to be reminded on digital and in their mailboxes: 

  • Jimmy protects women’s right to choose an abortion from attacks by Trump and MAGA Republicans. That’s why he is the only candidate endorsed by Planned Parenthood and the nurses union.

In the final three weeks, White Democratic voters, particularly those over 55, need to be reminded on Meta and digital in English that David Kim – a former Republican – can’t be trusted to stand up to Donald Trump and MAGA extremists.

  • David Kim only became a Democrat shortly before deciding to run for Congress.
  • David Kim originally registered as Republican, and he switched political parties four times in one year. He even campaigned with MAGA extremist support.
  • He can’t be trusted to stand for ANYTHING. Too much is at stake on abortion rights, healthcare, and our democracy.

Democratic voters, Minor Party Liberal voters, and Independents who don’t live with a Republican need to see on digital and in mailboxes the following messages, making it clear he stands up for working class families like his own and fights to make L.A. more affordable:

  • Jimmy grew up without health insurance and his family nearly went bankrupt after he got sick and was hospitalized with pneumonia as a child. That’s why he fights to pass Medicare For All, so nobody would have to go without health care. Jimmy is endorsed by the nurses’ unions because he leads the fight for Medicare For All and affordable prescriptions.
  • Jimmy worked minimum-wage jobs just like his immigrant parents, and knows how tough it can be to afford the basics. That’s why Jimmy takes on the establishment in congress to actually get things done to make life more affordable, including fighting to lower rent and housing costs, and prescription medicine, especially insulin, and he fights to hold the oil companies accountable when they profit off of gasoline shortages. He wrote California’s law to expand paid family leave for working families, which was backed by Kamala Harris when she was Attorney General.
  • Jimmy worked for nearly a decade as a union organizer, fighting for better pay, fair working conditions for everyone, and good local jobs. Jimmy is endorsed by labor unions, firefighters, nurses and teachers because he takes on billionaires and corporations, and his experience has made him unafraid to take on the establishment in Congress. Gomez is endorsed by End Citizens United because he refuses to take corporate PAC money (BACK UP) and because he is sick and tired of billionaires and corporations hoarding wealth and power and will fight to make sure the rich pay their fair share in taxes. 

Voters who are renters need to be see in their mailboxes and digital that:

  • Jimmy Gomez advocates for renters (BACK UP) and co-founded the Renter’s Caucus (BACK UP) because Jimmy’s family was kicked out of a childhood home by developers who gentrified the neighborhood and tore their house down to build a shopping center.

Non-Republican Spanish speaking voters need to see in bilingual mail that:

  • Jimmy Gomez advocates for renters (BACK UP) and co-founded the Renter’s Caucus (BACK UP) because Jimmy’s family was kicked out of a childhood home by developers who gentrified the neighborhood and tore their house down to build a shopping center.

Additional Resources: 

  • An even handed, measured tone is critical. Let the facts speak for themselves. 
  • Progressive Record Proof Points here
  • Photos here
  • Video B-Roll here.
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